I graduated as a massage therapist in 2007 and worked successfully in this profession for years, which I loved. However, I realized that although it is extremely important for women to be beautiful and shapely, they often couldn't find a specialist who could help them solve their body-related issues – this is when I decided to learn every trick of body shaping to assist these women. Over the following years, I learned and practiced numerous body sculpting massages and treatments, but being a perfectionist, I kept searching until I found the perfect solution. Finally, in 2016, I discovered the body shaping treatment that I still use today to help women sculpt and beautify themselves.
To this day, I am constantly training myself in order to provide my clients with the fastest, most effective body contouring treatments available, and I can now complement these treatments with high quality body contouring machines. With the best of my knowledge and years of experience as a body sculptor, and with extreme dedication, I strive to help create a beautiful body for everyone, and make everyone feel good about themselves.